Forex Mentor Pro Blog
Check out our award winning Forex Mentor Pro Blog. Marc Walton Full time trader, retired fund manager, and founder of Forex Mentor Pro. Marc trades Forex from his home in sunny Portugal & while traveling around the world. Marc is famed for being “spookily accurate” with his analysis. Often picking out entries from 100’s of pips away, “to the pip.”
Unlike most “guru’s” he and the other mentors here tell you in advance what they are looking to trade and why. That way you can learn to become a successful trader in your own right.
The 5 Key Steps to Forex Trading Success
This first webinar shares how, by taking these steps, I went from losing as a forex trader for over 2 years to trading for a real fund within 12 months. After 18 months I was trading over a $1 million account
My Forex, Stocks & Crypto Trade Plan for 2025
In todays session I shared my thoughts & trade plan for the markets in 2025. I also reviewed some of my performance from the similar "Annual Crystal Ball" webinar, of what I thought was going to happen in 2024. I explained MANY times over the last 18 months why I...
Your Christmas Homework
Your Christmas Homework. Click the link to check all the tips that help me improve my profitability every year
Members Ben’s 293% Trading Success…. after 10 Years
Ben joined us a year ago. He had been trading for 10 years (badly). He had just lost 9 out of his 10 most recent trades. After a few months of following our courses and then working with me as a private student, he transformed his forex trading AND made 293% profit on his stocks portfolio in 2024 alone
Future of FX & AI Trading Strategies
AI-driven trading strategies are transforming forex and financial markets by utilising machine learning, data analysis, and automation to enhance decision-making and execution speed. Here are some popular AI trading strategies:
Key Predictions from Experts for 2025
Here are some Key Predictions from Experts for 2025
Live: What to do next?
Live: What to do next? Check out my trading ideas after the US elections.
How The US Elections Could Affect All Markets
How The US Elections Could Affect All Markets. Check out this article to see which asset classes could be affected
How the Yen Carry Trade Works
How the Yen Carry Trade Works? I also look at how you can be profitable using this strategy in your trading methods.
Consequences of High National Debt
In this article we focus on the Consequences of High National Debt, particularly the US and how this can affect everyone.
Why is Australia and China relationship important?
Why is Australia and China relationship important? We look at the key factors that make this trade relationship important
What happens after a interest rate cut?
What happens after a interest rate cut? Click the link to find out more.
Risk Disclosure Statement: Trading currencies on margin involves a high level of risk which may not be suitable for all investors. Leverage can work against you just as easily as it can work for you. Before deciding to trade currencies you should carefully consider your trading and financial objectives, level of experience, and appetite for risk. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some, or possibly all of your trading capital. Therefore, you should not fund a trading account with money that you cannot afford to lose. It is recommended that you seek advice from an accredited financial advisor if you have any doubts as to whether currency trading is right for you. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this web site. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. Any losses incurred by traders unsuccessful in applying these ideas or methods are the sole responsibility of the trader and and its principals, contractors and assigns will be held safe from prosecution in any form.