Hi everyone,

Notes by Ashley:


To start off Marc was discussing why it is essential to have a basic understanding of what is going on around the world and to keep an eye out on the fundamentals. He covered a lot of this in his previous webinar a few weeks back which you can read through using the link below:

Those without Financial Education are Going to Get Screwed

He then went on to explain that the Euro could have a change of heart when it comes to raising interest rates in the future. There is a very good article written by Alf- an exbond trader. He has explained in simple language the clues that ECB has given regarding their future plan. You can read that article below

A sudden change of heart

You can follow Alf on Twitter


You can also follow him on his websites where he posts his articles for free.


Iron Ore

Later in the webinar I explained what is happening with Iron ore and why it is crucial that you watch it. Iron Ore is one of the main components used to produce steel which used for building new houses. We had a huge drop in price around 11% on Friday. That is because the demand for steel has dropped massively since COVID began in 2020.

New constructions are falling around the world. China’s housing demand has dropped which means they are ordering less Iron ore. Also in the new monetary policy statement released by the Australian government, they have mentioned that house prices are dropping as well.

This is of course not positive for the Australian economy as their largest export is Iron ore and they export most of their Iron Ore to China. We could see the price of Iron Ore possibly drop even further in the coming months. This could also affect the AUD as it makes up a large portion of the country’s GDP:

Australia, Iron Ore & China

As you can see its of massive importance to Australia and (god forbid) China invades Taiwan, that alone could devastate their economy.

So combining our fundamental and technical reasons we could see possible shorts on the AUDUSD in the coming weeks.

Marc also showed levels he is looking to short various stock markets using M2 & fundamentals.

As most members joined at the correct time, around 54.00 minutes into the video he summarised what he had covered before. I then went on to look at some of my trades and Earth & Sky setups, so a full session!

We are NOT a “tipping service” our aim is to teach you how to trade for yourself.


You can see the full webinar below. To view full screen click the arrows bottom right corner:


Kind regards,

Ashley and Marc