Ben joined us a year ago. He had been trading for 10 years (badly). He had just lost 9 out of his 10 most recent trades. After a few months of following our courses and then working with me as a private student, he transformed his forex trading AND made huge profits from his stock and metals portfolio from my other website that I share with private clients: Your Investing
So what did he do? How did he manage to completely reinvent himself as a successful trader?
Ben’s 293% Trading Success…. after 10 Years
Check out the video as Ben explains what he did & how he managed to revolutionise his approach to trading and investing. Its the same step by step process I explain all the time to folks, so you can do this on your own.
Here is an excellent “blueprint” for you to follow, written by a fellow member, David. He initially joined us 10 years ago. He ignored most of what we teach! before returning last year with his positive head-on and doing things the correct way: Here is the PDF you can download:
My wife and I have decided to go travelling for a few months to Asia, then Australia and New Zealand again, later in 2025, so I will be able to take a handful of students for private coaching starting in January.
Ashley already has some folks who have “booked him,” but he also has a few more places. We will need to raise the fee for Ashley in the New Year, but those who apply now can do so at the current price.
Here are the details if you are interested in working with Ashley or me. If you really want to work with me then you need to persuade me that you are serious!
Here is more information about being coached by me: Private-coaching-with-marc/
or with Ashley Private-coaching-with-Ashley/
Here is Bens story & positive New Years message. YOU can do this if you are determined to be our next success story: