In todays session I shared my thoughts & trade plan for the markets in 2025. I also reviewed some of my performance from the similar “Annual Crystal Ball” webinar, of what I thought was going to happen in 2024. I explained MANY times over the last 18 months why I was focused on crypto, gold, silver, uranium and miners and had a very profitable year again.
Frustratingly I still get emails from folks who have heard me speak about crypto for over 4 years and they still haven’t taken any action! In the video I show lots of examples from previous posts. You can find posts going back to pre 2020 in my blogs here:
If you are interested in joining my investing group, where I share my portfolios & how to get involved in crypto. Including real time updates via Telegram,CLICK HERE
Its a little difficult to predict anything at the moment until after President Trump’s inauguration. If he carries through on some of his crypto promises, I expect to see another year of massive potential to make life-changing gains, particularly on smaller chains. See the video for my reasoning.
Uranium 2023/2024 was very profitable for my followers and me. I am currently only still in CCJ, but I am looking for pullbacks to get back in. Demand is going up while supply is limited, so the price should continue to rise.
Gold, silver and especially miners. I still have around 25% of my portfolio in physical metals, stored in a vault in Switzerland. This is as a hedge in case everything goes wrong and or if inflation gets out of control in the USA. To leverage metals I was very active and took excellent profits from gold and silver miners in 2023/24. I am currently out of all of them, looking for pullbacks to get back in.
I need to do more research for my investing group before I share my thoughts on other sectors to invest in. Like others, I am focusing on those that should do well under a Trump government.
For the next few months at least and probably longer, I only want to buy the $USA.
The UK & Euro economies are both on their knees and both are run by either idiots (the UK) or idiots and control freaks the EU. I will only look to sell the Euro, GBP, AUd & NZD versus the USD.
Everything else is explained in the video.